28 Beautiful Indoor Variegated Plants With Patterns

Indulge in the exotic charm of our 28 Beautiful Indoor Variegated Plants with Patterns, featuring rare and popular specimens alike. Among these visually stunning varieties, some may be challenging to find, while others have gained widespread popularity in flower shops. Let’s embark on a fascinating journey through our collection, exploring the unique characteristics of each variegated indoor plant.

By learning how to differentiate and care for these remarkable species, you’ll be rewarded with an unforgettable art statement created by their striking foliage.



For novice houseplant enthusiasts, Philodendron ‘Birkin’ is an exceptional choice for indoor cultivation. Despite its low-maintenance requirements, it’s essential not to overlook this tropical beauty. To thrive, Birkin plants need a warm and cozy environment with regular watering and indirect sunlight. In return, you’ll be treated to stunning foliage featuring glossy green leaves adorned with light yellow or white markings along the midrib.

As a bonus, its botanical name is Philodendron ‘Birkin’.



Hailing from Asia and Oceania, the croton is a tropical forest native that thrives as a large shrub in its natural habitat. As a houseplant, it tends to scale down significantly. To keep this low-maintenance plant thriving, simply ensure consistent watering when the soil feels dry and place it in a sunny spot – neglecting these basics can result in a loss of its signature variegated leaf patterns.

The croton’s striking foliage is characterized by deep green, glossy leaves boasting vibrant red, orange, yellow, and white splashes. The botanical name for this showstopper is Codiaeum variegatum.



The Flapjack succulent, also referred to as a paddle plant due to its distinctive rosette clusters featuring paddle-shaped leaves, is an attractive addition to any plant collection. Its versatility allows it to thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments, making it a great option for those looking to add some variety to their space. One of the most striking features of this succulent is its rapid growth rate, which can be further enhanced by providing optimal growing conditions.

In particular, when given sufficient light, the edges of the leaves transform from red to yellow, adding an extra layer of visual interest. The botanical name for this species is Kalanchoe thyrsiflora.

Florida Beauty

Florida Beauty

The Florida Beauty, also known as Gold Dust and Spotted Dracaena, is a stunning indoor variegated plant that boasts lovely speckled leaves. Its unique foliage grows sideways to give it a bushy shape, adding visual interest to any room. When provided with sufficient indirect light, this plant will reward you with lush foliage and even fragrant flowers. It’s worth noting that direct sunlight can be detrimental to the plant’s health.

One of its best qualities is its ability to thrive in dry conditions, making it drought-tolerant. However, don’t forget to water it from time to time when the soil feels dry to the touch. The botanical name for this beauty is Dracaena surculosa.

Variegated Monstera

Variegated Monstera

One of our most striking indoor plants is the Variegated Monstera, which has earned its place in our collection due to its extraordinary appearance. The good news is that it’s now more accessible than ever before, and its price has become more reasonable compared to six years ago. As soon as you bring this plant into your home, you’ll be struck by the exotic ambiance it creates within the space. The leafs of the Variegated Monstera boast a unique combination of green and milky white hues.

If you’re able to cultivate this plant, you may want to try propagating it from cuttings as it matures. Be prepared for some patience, however, as it can take time for the new cutting to grow into a healthy, thriving plant. The botanical name for this incredible specimen is Monstera borsigiana ‘albo variegata’.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant has earned its widespread recognition due to its stunning appearance and remarkably low maintenance needs. Its striking green leaves featuring yellow edges are a hallmark of this versatile plant, making it a staple in many homes. While it can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, from bright to dim, optimal growth is encouraged by placing it in a spot receiving at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Botanically speaking, the Snake Plant is known as Sansevieria trifasciata.

Stromanthe Triostar

Stromanthe Triostar

The Triostar’s unique characteristics are a testament to its membership in the prayer plant family, where leaves typically fold up at night and unfurl during the day. This adaptable indoor variegated plant is capable of thriving outdoors during warm months, and can also be successfully cultivated indoors year-round. One of its most distinctive features is its large, vibrantly colored leaves, which showcase a stunning tri-color pattern of red, pink, and white hues.

Botanically speaking, the Triostar is known as Stromanthe sanguinea.

White Fusion Calathia

White Fusion Calathia
Photo Credit: alittleplantdiary

The White Fusion Calathea thrives when provided with moderate moisture levels, balanced sunlight exposure, and regular leaf dusting. This trifecta of care enables the plant to flourish and showcase its striking foliage, characterized by vibrant green leaves adorned with pure white markings.

If you’re considering adding this beauty to your indoor space, keep in mind that Calathea lietzei, also known as White Fusion Calathea, is a member of the larger Calathea family that demands similar attention.

Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos, also affectionately known as Devil’s Ivy, boasts an impressive ability to thrive with minimal care. Its natural inclination towards climbing allows it to effortlessly wrap itself around any available support, showcasing its heart-shaped leaves in shades of vibrant green and creamy white. This adaptability makes the Golden Pothos an ideal choice for novice houseplant enthusiasts.

By positioning it in a warm spot with adequate moisture (allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings), you’ll be rewarded with rapid growth and a beautiful, lush display.

Inch Plant

Inch Plant

The Inch plant, also known as Zebra plant, boasts striking foliage featuring symmetrical patterns of purple, green, and white markings. Its unique appearance earns it a place among popular indoor plants, thriving in pots or hanging baskets. To encourage the foliage to trail out quickly, maintain slightly moist soil while avoiding overwatering around the crown. Notably, this plant is tolerant of direct light, which enhances the vibrant colors of its variegated leaves.

Royal Variegated Banana

Royal Variegated Banana

The Royal Variegated Banana plant is a prized possession among our indoor variegated houseplants. Its exceptional size and striking, mottled foliage make it a standout piece. The large leaves display a beautiful combination of white, light green, and deep green hues.

With proper care, this tropical native can grow up to 8 feet tall indoors, making it an impressive addition to any room.

To thrive, the Royal Variegated Banana plant requires semi-shade to full sun, warm temperatures, and consistent moisture. A telltale sign of thirst is when its leaves begin to droop slightly.

Interestingly, this plant’s botanical name is Musa x paradisiaca.



The White Fusion Calathea shares similarities with its fellow Calathea species, requiring similar care. However, the Orbifolia boasts larger, broader leaves with a subtle contrast of light green and silver stripes, symmetrically arranged on either side of the midrib. This unique feature demands a precise environment: plenty of indirect light and high humidity to thrive.

Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot Plant

The Polka Dot Plant, with its unique combination of lush green foliage and vibrant white, pink, lavender, or multi-colored splashes, stands out as a stunning indoor variegated plant. To thrive, it requires warm temperatures and high humidity. Furthermore, regular feeding from spring to fall is crucial for maintaining the plant’s health and promoting continued growth.

Despite its distinctive appearance, the Polka Dot Plant is relatively easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for those new to plant parenthood.



The Tricolor Aglaonema’s unique variegated leaves set it apart from many other plants. The intricate pattern of white and light and dark green splotches on each leaf creates a striking camouflage effect. One of the perks of this plant is that its care requirements are surprisingly low maintenance, making it an excellent choice for those who want to add some artistic flair to their interior spaces without exerting too much effort.

With the botanical name Aglaonema pictum tricolor, this variety is sure to be a standout in any room.

Nerve Plant

Nerve Plant

The Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis) is a popular houseplant characterized by its striking foliage, boasting deep green ovate leaves with vibrant white, red, pink, or green veins. This trailing plant can grow up to 6 inches tall, spreading its lush stems out of the pot. To thrive, the Nerve Plant demands high humidity and bright, indirect sunlight.

Peace Lily Domino

Peace Lily Domino

The Domino peace lily stands out in houseplant collections with its unique, glossy green leaves featuring white mottles. This variegated plant is not only eye-catching but also has the ability to surprise you with beautiful white lily-shaped flowers on long spathes that emerge from the foliage. With its impressive appearance and low-maintenance care requirements, this elegant addition to your interior space is a must-have for any plant enthusiast.

The Domino Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) boasts a botanical name and has earned a spot among popular houseplants due to its ease of growth and striking variegation. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, this adaptable plant is sure to delight with its unique features.

Aluminum Plant

Aluminum Plant

The Pilea cadierei, commonly known as the Aluminum Plant, is a low-maintenance houseplant that boasts striking green leaves with distinctive silver markings. This variegated beauty can be enjoyed indoors, but it also thrives in outdoor environments, such as pondsides, in warm climates. To keep this plant happy and healthy, it requires bright indirect light and an annual repotting into a larger container to accommodate its growing roots.

Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

The Prayer Plant, Maranta leuconeura, is a variegated houseplant that originated in Bolivia. Its unique characteristic of folding up its leaves at night, reminiscent of praying hands, has given rise to its common name. The plant’s striking foliage features deep green leaves with yellow splotches on the midrib and vibrant red veins, adding visual interest to any room.

With a slow growth rate, the Prayer Plant typically reaches a maximum height of 1 foot indoors when provided with optimal conditions. To showcase its three-color pattern, this plant thrives in warm temperatures, regular moisture, gentle airflow, and frequent fertilization.

Crinkle Leaf Begonia

Crinkle Leaf Begonia

The Crinkle Leaf Begonia is a petite indoor plant that steals attention with its one-of-a-kind leaves. The rounded, pad-shaped foliage boasts an intriguing textured pattern featuring ridges and crinkles. A closer look reveals the leaves’ shiny green upper surfaces and striking maroon undersides, making it easily identifiable as Begonia moyesii. To top it all off, this charming plant produces white flowers in the summer, which beautifully contrast with the surrounding foliage.

Balfour Aralia

Balfour Aralia

The Balfour Aralia is a remarkable houseplant that demands attention to detail when it comes to its care. Its Achilles’ heel lies in its delicate roots, which are prone to over-watering due to their fine texture. This variegated beauty boasts one-of-a-kind foliage resembling rounded dinner plates, measuring 1-2 inches in diameter. The leaves feature a striking combination of dark green and white variegation along the rim.

Its botanical name is Polyscias Scutellaria’ Balfourii’, making it a standout among houseplants.

Silver Satin Pothos

Silver Satin Pothos

The Silver Satin Pothos, with its botanical name Scindapsus Pictus ‘Argyraeus’, is a stunning climbing plant that can reach impressive heights of up to 10 feet or more when given the right indoor conditions. Its adaptability makes it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts. While other plants in the Pothos family require meticulous care, this variety is surprisingly low-maintenance. Watering is as simple as checking the soil’s dryness with your finger and ensuring indirect bright light.

In return, the plant will reward you with its beautiful dark green leaves featuring striking silver lines.

Watermelon Peperomia

Watermelon Peperomia

The Watermelon Peperomia’s unique appearance is characterized by its variegated leaves, which bear a striking resemblance to the pattern found on a watermelon. This distinctive characteristic has contributed significantly to the plant’s widespread popularity among indoor gardening enthusiasts. Furthermore, its low-maintenance requirements have made it an attractive option for those new to houseplant care.

In addition to its stunning appearance, the Watermelon Peperomia thrives in environments where moisture levels are consistently high. With proper care, this beautiful variegated plant will flourish and showcase its shimmering, colorful leaves. For those interested in learning more about this captivating specimen, it’s worth noting that the botanical name is Peperomia argyreia.

Friendship Plant

Friendship Plant

The Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ bromeliad boasts striking foliage characterized by vibrant red, green, and white patterns on spike-shaped leaves. As with many variegated plants, the full extent of its colorful display is best appreciated under suitable lighting conditions, specifically filtered sun for a few hours. This plant’s unique appearance is further enhanced by its ability to produce blooms at any time throughout the year.

Rattlesnake Plant

Rattlesnake Plant

The Rattlesnake plant is a stunning specimen, boasting long and wavy green foliage with intricate variegation featuring deeper shades of green. The underside of the leaves adds an extra layer of visual interest, showcasing vibrant red hues that add to its unique charm.

Native to Brazil, this plant requires conditions reminiscent of its homeland to truly thrive. As a thirsty plant, it’s essential to water frequently during the summer months.

Conversely, during winter, reduce watering to only when the soil feels dry to the touch.

When placing your Rattlesnake in its pot, ensure it receives bright, indirect light – avoid direct sunlight altogether.

Swallowtail Plant

Swallowtail Plant

The Swallowtail Plant (Christia obcordata) is distinguished by its striking butterfly-shaped leaves. The leaves emerge from a slender stem, showcasing a light green base with reddish-brown striations that run symmetrically along the veins. What sets this ornamental plant apart from others is its preference for shady conditions and high humidity. To thrive, it requires regular watering – twice a week is ideal – and well-drained soil.

With proper care, the Swallowtail Plant’s unique foliage can add a touch of elegance to any indoor space.

Variegated Jade Plant

Variegated Jade Plant
Photo Credit: mashrita

The Crassula ovata ‘Tricolor’ variegated Jade plant is a compact succulent characterized by its striking, broad leaves with white to yellow striations. These unique foliage features emerge from the stems, which rise from the main stem in an upright manner. This diminutive plant boasts a modest root system, making it suitable for well-drained soil and moderate temperatures. Like all succulents, it thrives in bright light conditions.

Agave lophantha

Agave lophantha

This particular Agave specimen stands out from others in its family due to its striking features. Its compact size is complemented by long and wide leaves that boast a unique dark green color with vibrant yellow stripes along the edges, setting it apart from other varieties.

When it comes to finding the ideal environment for this Agave lophantha ‘Quadricolor’, full sun exposure is crucial. During the summer months, regular watering can help promote its growth.

Conversely, during the winter, water intake should be minimized to prevent overhydration.

Variegated African Violet

Variegated African Violet

The African Violet is a beloved windowsill houseplant, renowned for its striking coloration. Its unique characteristic is the variegated pattern on its leaves, featuring dark green centers and creamy white margins. While some varieties may boast pink, green, or purple hues along the leaf edges, all share a captivating beauty that stems from both their foliage and flowers.

This charming plant is officially classified as Saintpaulia Ionantha.

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