37 Beautiful Aglaonema Varieties ( With Names And Pictures )

In fact, when consulting with a plant expert at a nursery or simply walking into a plant shop and asking which low-maintenance option is perfect for indoor growth, the response is often uniform: ‘Chinese evergreen’. This statement isn’t surprising given the versatility of this family of plants, known as Aglaonema. Not only can they thrive in various spots within your home, but some varieties also flourish when exposed to fresh air outdoors.

With their unique and exotic foliage available in a range of colors and patterns, it’s no wonder the Chinese evergreen has become a staple for many houseplant enthusiasts. As an added bonus, these plants naturally purify the air around them, making them a valuable addition to any space. The combination of beautiful aesthetics, low care requirements, and diverse options within the Aglaonema family has cemented their popularity as a go-to choice for indoor plant collections.

If you’re looking to start or expand your Chinese Evergreen collection, explore our curated selection of 37 stunning Aglaonema varieties.

Silver Plant Aglaonema

Silver Plant Aglaonema
Photo Credit: manitobacooperator

The Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’ is a stunning variety, boasting leaves that combine silver and green hues. Reaching up to 2 feet in height as it matures, this plant brings a touch of regal elegance to any interior space. Its elongated leaves are particularly notable, setting it apart from many other varieties.

Aglaonema Maria Christina

Aglaonema Maria Christina

While sharing a similar aesthetic with the renowned ‘Silver Queen’ Aglaonema, this particular variety stands out with its more compact size and enhanced cold hardiness. The distinguishing features that set it apart from its silver-leafed counterpart are its denser foliage and impressive resistance to chilly temperatures.


Photo Credit: mallofgardens

This stunning indoor plant boasts an array of striking features, including its lush deep green leaves adorned with subtle dusty pink spots. The wide, flat leaves and rich foliage combine to create a sophisticated ambiance that elevates any room’s interior. When it comes to placement, this plant thrives under gentle, shady light – direct sunlight can cause damage to the delicate foliage.

Stripes Evergreen

Stripes Evergreen

The result of combining Aglaonema ‘Manila’ with Aglaonema nitidum ‘Curtisii’ is a stunning hybrid that harmoniously blends the best features of its parent plants. The Curtisii’s silver-white stripes, symmetrically arranged on either side of the veins, bring a touch of elegance, while the rounded leaves inherited from the Manila add a soft, refined quality to the overall appearance.

This unique fusion has proven to be incredibly appealing, making it a popular choice for both office and residential spaces.

Burmese Evergreen

Burmese Evergreen
Photo Credit: ncsu

The Burmese Evergreen, also referred to as Aglaonema Nitridum, is a ubiquitous house plant that has earned its place among popular indoor foliage. Characterized by its striking leaves, the plant features creamy-white patterns on the lower half and creamy hues on the upper portion, with green splotches edging the entire length. Unfussy in its requirements, this variety thrives even in low-light conditions, making it an ideal choice for those new to indoor gardening.

Red Peacock

Red Peacock

The striking name of this houseplant stems from its unique characteristic – vibrant pink-to-red veins and streaks that stand out against the medium-length, green foliage. The plant’s coloration is reminiscent of a peacock’s plumage, with tightly clustered leaves forming a similar pattern to the bird’s iconic wings.

Emerald Bay

Emerald Bay

The Emerald Bay Agloanema boasts an impressive display of long and medium-width leaves, each adorned with a striking silver brush pattern on its dark green surface. This lush foliage creates a bushy appearance, making it a showstopping addition to any houseplant arrangement.


Photo Credit: mycityplants

The Chinese Evergreen’s striking feature is its slender, elongated leaves that unfurl from the stem, creating a dynamic display reminiscent of a miniature waterfall. The leaves themselves are a beautiful blend of green and silver hues, adding an extra layer of visual interest to this already unique plant. Interestingly, the name ‘Chinese Evergreen’ is derived from the leaf shape itself, making it a thoughtful nod to the botanical world.


Photo Credit: carousell

The Harlequin Chinese Evergreen’s unique characteristic lies in its ability to adapt its leaf coloration to varying light intensities. In low-light conditions, it exhibits a striking contrast with darker green leaves featuring pink veins and yellow flecks. Conversely, when exposed to brighter light, the plant undergoes a subtle transformation, as the pink tones soften into a pastel hue and the leaves take on an almost entirely yellow appearance with a delicate pink undertone.

This remarkable feature sets the Harlequin apart from other Chinese Evergreen varieties, making it one of the most captivating and exotic options available.

Silver King Houseplant

Silver King Houseplant

The Silver King’s majestic appearance is attributed to the unique color pattern of its long and slender leaves, which radiate outward in all directions, evoking a regal aura. The subtle silver sheen overlays a light green leaf, creating an elegant visual effect.

This versatile plant thrives even in low-light conditions, making it an ideal addition to your desk or any room in your home, regardless of the amount of natural light it receives.

Pure Maria

Pure Maria

Pure Maria, also affectionately referred to as Emerald Beauty, owes its name to the striking resemblance of its dark green leaves to the vibrant emerald color. This stunning plant boasts a lush appearance that instantly adds an exotic touch to any interior space, making it a sought-after houseplant for many. Its effortless care requirements only further cement its popularity, allowing even novice plant enthusiasts to enjoy its beauty.

Georgi’s Ruby

Georgi’s Ruby
Photo Credit: offerup

The Chinese Evergreen, also known as Aglaonema Red Valentine, is renowned for its remarkable air-purifying properties. This unique plant has the ability to eliminate toxins and boost humidity levels in a room. Its distinguishing feature is the striking pink stripes that adorn the green leaves. The foliage is characterized by large, narrow oval-shaped leaves that provide a lush appearance.

Caring for this plant is relatively effortless; it thrives in shady conditions and requires watering only when the soil feels dry.

BJ Freedman

BJ Freedman
Photo Credit: garden

With its silvery-green leaves densely packed on the stem, this plant boasts a effortlessly natural appearance. Characteristically, it has modest requirements, making it an excellent choice for any room in your home or office. The Aglaonema B. J. Freedman’s lush foliage can be enjoyed anywhere, thanks to its adaptability.

Black Lance

Black Lance

The Aglaonema species known as the Black Lance boasts striking, elongated leaves that are a deep green hue, punctuated by a prominent silver stripe running down the center of each leaf. The plant’s unique foliage features a spear-like shape, earning it its ‘lance’ moniker. Standing tall, this variety is well-suited for corner spaces or vertical displays, where its statuesque presence can be fully appreciated.



The beauty of this plant lies in its unique, dark green leaves that showcase creamy white accents, creating a visually appealing display with their length and width. Furthermore, this plant boasts impressive air-purifying properties, making it an ideal selection for both residential and commercial spaces.

Red Gold

Red Gold

This versatile plant thrives both indoors and outdoors, distinguished by the striking red rim that outlines its shiny green foliage. Its stems and leaf veins share the same vibrant hue. To ensure optimal health and appearance, consider keeping your specimen out of direct sunlight.



The standout feature of this particular Aglaonema variety is its ability to produce berries when it reaches maturity. While all Aglaonemas are known for their striking foliage, Deborah’s unique characteristics include thicker leaves with a medium size. The color pattern is particularly noteworthy, featuring a dark green rim and silver splashes in the center, making it a stunning addition to any indoor space.

Emerald Star

Emerald Star

The Chinese Evergreen’s most striking feature is its remarkable foliage, characterized by long, upright leaves that form a dense canopy. The Emerald Star’s coloration is particularly noteworthy, with dark green leaves adorned with white speckles, making it instantly recognizable. What’s more, this adaptable plant thrives in environments where other species would struggle to survive, showcasing its resilience and hardiness.

Siam Aurora

Siam Aurora

The stunning Aglaonema boasts striking red and pink accents on its unique, spike-shaped leaves that emerge from a green base. While it may not be as widely sought after as some other houseplants, this variety is certainly worth getting to know. Not only does it possess the power to bring good fortune to those who own it, but it’s also incredibly adaptable, thriving in shady conditions and preferring soil that drains well.



The Aglaonema evergreen is a compact plant that can grow up to 2 feet tall, characterized by its unique foliage. The leaves are elongated to medium in width and feature a striking combination of dark green and creamy hues, with gentle strokes on either side of the leaf vein, adding a touch of elegance to the overall appearance.

Pictum Tricolor

Pictum Tricolor

Meet the extraordinary plant that captures your attention with its remarkable camouflage ability. The intricate patterns on its leaves are truly one-of-a-kind, making you yearn for a chance to bring one home. But, did you know that this rare specimen requires precise conditions to maintain its unique military-inspired coloration? Taking care of it is an art form in itself, as the slightest deviation from the optimal environment could affect the plant’s remarkable appearance.


Photo Credit: plantsandfriendstogo

The Wishes Aglaonema is a standout plant in our Chinese Evergreen collection, boasting stunning pink foliage that’s lighter than its Valentine counterpart, with the green leaf base subtly blending into the surrounding hue. This beautiful specimen doesn’t require any special treatment, making it an ideal addition to any indoor space.



The Agloanema family’s latest surprise is a striking new color of foliage – a dark and mysterious shade that’s reminiscent of dark chocolate. The name ‘Agloanema’ is aptly derived from this glossy dark green hue, which takes on an even more striking quality when paired with the vibrant pink veins that create a stunning contrast. As with many other species within this family, the Aglaonema prefers bright but indirect sunlight to thrive.


Photo Credit: plantsguru

The Chinese Evergreen family is represented by another striking foliage, characterized by its dark green leaves adorned with vibrant pink to red veins. While sharing some similarities with the Chocolate variety, this particular type boasts broader leaves and finer veins, resulting in a truly captivating display that can elevate any indoor space.

Pink Moon

Pink Moon
Photo Credit: reddit

The distinctive name of this Aglaonema plant is inspired by the unique, scattered pink speckles that adorn its dark green leaves with a whimsical, natural texture. The visual impact of these tiny spots is further enhanced by the striking central white rib that runs through the foliage, creating a truly eye-catching appearance.

Lady Valentine

Lady Valentine

For those who adore the striking beauty of the Red Peacock, the Lady Valentine Chinese Evergreen variety is sure to captivate. Its predominantly pink foliage, punctuated by subtle green accents, offers a captivating combination that’s hard to resist. The vibrant pink hue is particularly eye-catching, making it an instant favorite among houseplant enthusiasts.

White Rain

White Rain
Photo Credit: urbansproutsstore

The Chinese evergreen’s most striking feature is its stem, which boasts a creamy white hue. This elegant introduction sets the tone for the foliage that follows, with light green leaves featuring white splashes emerging from a snowy-white rib. As the plant matures in height, it becomes an ideal choice for adding vertical interest to tiered planters.



Among the numerous plants belonging to the Aglaonemas subfamily, one striking example is a species featuring broad, dark green leaves adorned with a vibrant pink splattering. The intensity of this pink hue is so pronounced that it dominates the leaf’s surface, leaving only subtle hints of green visible at the edges.

Pink Dalmatian

Pink Dalmatian
Photo Credit: gardentags

The Dalmatia Philodendron is a striking variety that can be spotted both outdoors and indoors. Its slender stems allow it to grow taller than wide, but the unique texture and size of its leaves make it an eye-catching addition to any space. As its name implies, this philodendron boasts dark green leaves mottled with pink spots and splashes, giving them a striking resemblance to a dalmatian’s coat.

Green Papaya

Green Papaya
Photo Credit: plantsandfriendstogo

The Green Papaya, a unique Chinese Evergreen variety, boasts striking lime green leaves adorned with yellow and creamy spots, creating a visually stunning foliage pattern. The vibrant display is further accentuated by the delicate pinkish leaf rib and pink stem. While this exotic plant may captivate your attention, it’s essential to exercise caution if you share your space with pets, as the Green Papaya is toxic to them.

It’s crucial to ensure their safety and well-being when introducing this beautiful yet hazardous plant into your home.

Aglaonema Sterling

Aglaonema Sterling
Photo Credit: accounts

Aglaonema Sterling is a striking species that boasts lush foliage, capable of growing up to 4 feet tall when provided with suitable potting conditions. Its leaves are uniquely covered in a silver-like coating, making it an eye-catching addition to any space. To maintain its optimal condition and visual appeal, Aglaonema Sterling thrives under bright yet diffused natural light. This unique combination of features allows the plant to truly shine.

Aglaonema Snow White

Aglaonema Snow White

The Chinese Evergreen’s most renowned variety boasts an unparalleled beauty in its leaf clusters. The striking combination of creamy white leaves with green edges and stems is a sight to behold. As this plant matures, it produces dainty flowers that eventually give way to toxic fruits, posing a risk to both pets and humans. It’s crucial to note this toxicity. To maintain the desired snow-white foliage, ensure the plant receives an abundance of bright, indirect light.

Etta Rose

Etta Rose

The Etta Rose is an exotic variety that boasts striking green leaf edges adorned with freckles in shades of red and pink. To maintain its vibrant pink color, it’s essential to provide low light conditions for this plant. Notably, its stems are short but equally impressive, boasting a lovely pink hue that provides a stunning contrast to the emerald green foliage.

Golden Fluorite

Golden Fluorite
Photo Credit: plantingman

The Golden Green Leafed variety gets its name from the striking patterns of golden green, pink, and yellow hues that adorn the light green foliage. Characterized by long, broad leaves that are densely clustered along the central stem, this unique feature sets it apart from other varieties.



The Chinese Evergreen plant on display here boasts a unique combination of green foliage and striking white accents, which gradually transition from bold to subtle towards the stem.



Aglaonema Gemini’s larger stature sets it apart from the Leprechaun variety, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces where its pale silver leaves can add a touch of elegance to the room. This variety stands out not only due to its size but also its delicate nature, which requires careful handling to avoid damage or harm. As such, it’s essential to keep this plant out of reach from curious pets and children.

Red Emerald

Red Emerald

The Emerald Beauty’s striking features are immediately apparent in its gleaming green leaves, with a subtle reddish vein running through the center of each leaf. But what truly sets this variety apart is the stunning contrast created by the creamy white accents scattered throughout. These bursts of color add an air of exoticism and allure to the plant, making it impossible to ignore.

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